Our Big Move!
Our location has been sold for redevelopment. It’s time to move, and find a new home!
Since we announced our big move last February, so much has happened! We’ve learned so many things from commercial real estate to specialty HVAC, from city of Beaverton zoning ordinances to digging concrete trenches for new showers. The one thing we still don’t know is, unfortunately, the big question on everyone’s mind… where will our new home be?
We are very lucky that our current lease gives us 6 months to vacate after we have received the request to do so, and we have not received that request. It’s not so comfortable to live with that uncertainty, but thankfully we’re yogis! We can practice contentment while we wait. And, each day that we haven’t been served notice to vacate gives us more time to hone in on the perfect spot for our home.

We are determined to look for a space in central Beaverton, between Allen Blvd and Walker Rd north to south, and between Raleigh Hills and 170th east to west.

Spaces are abundant in that area, but we do have some very specific needs, including the right square footage at the right price, enough parking to accommodate our community, infrastructure that supports specialty HVAC and shower facilities , and on top of all that a landlord willing to let us build out a hot room! We’ve learned through this search that altogether, those stipulations disqualify most of the available spaces. But we’re not discouraged! The few locations that have fit the bill are truly inspiring, and have helped to focus our vision of the future of Bonfire.
Thank you for your patience with us as we trudge along this path. We promise to update you as soon as we have more information on our timeline, or on specific location. Until then, let’s enjoy our current home doing what we do best… practice!