Hot Series
The Hot Series class follows a classic series of 26 postures and two breathing exercises made popular by the disciple of Bishnu Ghosh, Bikram Choudhury. Also known as Bikram’s Beginners class. This series follows a set of breathing exercises, warm ups, and postures that are focused on spinal health and mobility. The Hot series class is practiced as a 90 minute, 75 minute, and 60 minute class. The same 26 postures are performed in two sets in the 90 minute class, so that you get a chance to master the alignment of each pose. During the 75 and 60 minute version, some 2nd sets are omitted. This practice is our hottest style offered – the room is heated to a relative climate of 105 F and 40% humidity. It is recommended that your first hot yoga class be the 90 minute series because it is slower paced with more resting time between postures.