Workshop / Event Submission

Want to put on a workshop or event?

Our submission deadlines fall 6 weeks prior to the quarter they fall in. So, for example, if you are submitting before the Nov 15th deadline, we will consider your workshop for the following quarter, Jan 1 – March 31st.
Workshop / Event Submission
This is how long you will need access to the studio before the event.
This is the length of time of the event itself.
This is the length of time you need to neutralize the studio after your participants have left.
If you chose "other" (please describe at the bottom of this form in the "anything else?" question.
If you chose "other" (please describe at the bottom of this form in the "anything else?" question.
Please keep in mind, Bonfire doesn't offer sliding scale pricing because of price-setting limitations in our software.
Our submission deadlines fall 6 weeks prior to the quarter they fall in. So, for example, if you are submitting before the Nov 15th deadline, please list all dates you are available between Jan 1 and March 30th.